E-Stim Connect exists in two locations on a Mac. The main program sits in the Applications Folder, and the preferences sit in the preferences system.

We recommend you uninstall E-Stim Connect before installing a newer version as this will remove any issues with conflicting files.

Remove the Preferences File

To remove the preference file, open finder and navigate to Macintosh HD/Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/EStimConnect/ folder.

You may find this is a hidden folder. To switch hidden folders on, navigate to Launchpad and then Other, run terminal and in the terminal window type 

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES 

and then press Return. This will allow you to see all hidden files and folders.

Remove the Application

To remove the Application file, navigate to the Applications Folder in Finder and drag E-Stim Connect to the Trash. A quick way to find the actual location of the file is to run E-Stim Connect, and then click 'Command